List building can be easy if you know what you are doing and can be very difficult if you don't know what you are doing. One of the most lucrative way to build a responsive list is through pay per click. The key to pay per click is to convert your traffic to ads to subscribers. Do you know about the 5 secrets that can improve your pay per click list building$%:

1. You don't need to be the number one. You just have to one the first page. For your ad to be on the first page your ad has to be 1 to 8. The goal of the campaign is to make profit so figure out the number of clicks that the makes you profit and work with that.

2. Find the right keywords. Be specific in your keywords and don't be general. Use long tail keywords. They are cheap and profitable if you use enough of them. Wordtracker is one good research tool you can use.

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3. Be as specific as you can because this will save you money. Our target in pay per click list building campaign is qualified, targeted clicks and not just any clicks. You are looking for clicks that will eventually result in sales. Tell prospect exactly what they will get when they click on your ad. This will cut down on unqualified clicks which cost money. Google or search engine charges you for clicks so the more you reduce unqualified clicks the more money you get to spend on qualified clicks.

4. Match your product name to your site and keyword. This is very important because web surfers search for words and keywords. Hardly do people search for website address. Unless the person know the web address off hand. Most searches are done through Google. In your ad campaign try and thick like the visitor who is searching for information on a keyword

5. Concentrate on signing visitors up and not sell them on your landing page. Once a visitor clicks on your ad them are already qualified so don't try to sell them so much. Rather give them a reason to come back or give them the opportunity to sign in so that you can contact them. Remember studies show that the average subscriber takes 7 contacts before they make a purchase.

These are just a few of the tricks you can apply to your pay per click campaign to increase your responsive list building. Pay per click is not as difficult you may think. Know what you need to do and apply these simple keys and you will increase you list.

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